Monday, April 25, 2011


Okay, so it's been almost a month since my last post. I promise that I have been very busy with school, work, practicum, and hanging with buds. I have a few new clothing items I need to feature, but I will not be posting them until my semester is over (next week - eeeeee!!). Here are a few things I have done worth noting in the last month:

painted my nails black to show my inner teen angst

bought two pairs of platform sandals from Target to wear every day of the summer

sexted some gurl buds

watched Return of the King at least four times

bought an elliptical machine that is still laying in pieces in my family room

gave up Diet Coke, then gave in and drank it again in the same day

downloaded every ITFOW song so I can be prepared for their big last show

sent numerous emails to my main gal Danielle, complaining about work

sent some hilarious pics taken with my computer to my friends who were trying to study

uncovered my grandma's old accordian that I thought was lost forever

and participated in a traditional Seder meal, in which someone threw up from trying to eat Horseradish.

I hope your month has been filled with incredible experiences like mine! Hopefully soon I'll be back to posting.

Oh, this is my normal study face:

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