Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Turning into my mother

As some of you may have read in Jessica's post, we had an awesome ladies weekend. It was my first trip to Ikea, and although they have some nice things, it was total sensory overload. I wasn't sure I'd make it through the whole store, but I did. Mostly I was grateful there was only one escalator. We stayed in a fancy hotel and watched some home makeover show about a guy in the marines who lost his leg and was raising 4 children on his own. Naturally, I cried my eyes out. I tried to block out the show by reading some Twilight, but ended up crying anyway. And then I realized: my mom watches this show and cries her eyes out too! I am totally becoming my mother! I guess that is okay, since my mom is pretty great. I just thought I would become her later in life - like when I'm in my forties. But it's starting early, in my twenties. I also realized after buying an animal print cardigan, that I am starting to dress like an old lady. I think I am okay with this, as well, because I love that cardigan AND my cardigan with the faux fur collar. I also love broaches and cat-eye glasses and putting my hair into a bun. I also cry my eyes out about everything, just like my mother and her mother. I think this must be the natural progression of life. One day you wake up and realize you are your mother.


  1. i am turning into my mother as well, so we can do it together! you can cry your eyes out and i can snap my fingers and dance around.

  2. also, i wore my cardigan that looks like lace so we can become old ladies together, too!
