Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Big Mistake

The agency I work for puts on a chocolate carnival every year during the Week of Chocolate here in Bloomington. The theme of the carnival is Willy Wonka and for the last 2 years I have volunteered to dress up like an Oompa Loompa. Typically this means very orange face, terrible green wig, really gross costume that tends to highlight my bulging and pudgy midsection, and lots of scared/crying children. Here is a look at this year's costume. I'm not sure I ever want to do this again - it is the grossest I have ever looked in my life. Hands down.
Also pictured are my co-workers Mark and Samantha, who dressed up like Willy Wonka. Her costume was almost as bad as mine and did not include a cane, so she decided to use the plastic whiffle ball bat instead. Good work Samantha.


  1. Really disappointed that this picture isn't available at a much larger size.

  2. I'm sorry David, but I don't think I'll be showing anyone a larger size of this photo.
