Thursday, June 17, 2010


The air is back on! I'm celebrating by wearing pants. Actually I came in this morning and it was freezing in the office. I checked the thermostat, and someone had turned it all the way to like 20 degrees! I think that happened sometime when we were trying to figure out what was wrong with the AC. So I'm very glad I brought a sweater along, just in case.

Recently (like within the last week) the picture text messaging feature began working on my cellular telephone. I got so excited, I've been sending lots of picture texts. I came up with a new game with Tara, in which we only send pictures to each other (no words) and we have to guess what the pictures mean. Doesn't that sound fun? Yesterday I started with a picture of my kitty cat wearing a diet coke can as a hat. He actually let me put it on his head and didn't move. What a champ! Anyway, I don't know if I can get the picture off my phone and onto the internet, since I don't have the webbies on my phone, but if you want to participate in this awesome new game, please feel free to send me a picture textie on my telephone.


  1. here's a little high-tech tip: just type in your email address where you would normally type in a phone number and you can send a picture message to your email that way. i don't have phone internetz either, but that's how i get pixxxx online.
