Monday, December 13, 2010

A huge mistake and a proposal

1.) Have you ever been excited about your outfit, then realized when you got wherever you were going that you had made a huge mistake? This happened to me this morning. Last night I couldn't sleep, so I was (of course) hitting up some fashion blogs. Have you checked out Kendi Everyday? You should. Jess told me about her and I think we are both obsessed with her now. Well, I had this great idea for an outfit today, inspired by one she wore on her blog. But when I got to work I realized it just wasn't working out. I had made a HUGE mistake. First, I should have washed my hair. It's greasy but I couldn't make myself get out of bed so I look gross in general. Second, I should have work a different pair of jeans. I have these jeans from Target that get stretched out in about 15 minutes. It's so frustrating! I hate stretchy jeans - I need structured clothing to keep me all tucked in and smooth. Third, I couldn't decide if I should keep my shirt tucked in or not. So it was tucked in for a while, then pulled out, then tucked back in, and pulled back out again. What a mess.

2.) About my proposal. If you don't read jenloveskev, you should. She is part of a blogger community that has clothing swaps. I have recently come to realize that there are lots of clothes in my closet I do not wear, or just don't fit me anymore. I thought I would propose a clothing swap. Maybe after Christmas, when things are slower for everyone (and we all get new clothes so we're more apt to throw out old ones!). If you'd like to be part of it, please let me know!!! Tell your Bloomington friends and let's get this party started!


  1. i love kendi everyday. she has the best wardrobe ever.
    i would love to do a clothing swap! count me in please!

  2. whoops. just spent 30 mins looking at Kendi Everyday instead of writing a blog post of my own!
