Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween! Spooky! Scary!

Well, at least my costume was scary/totally awesome. Rodeo played a show last night and the boys dressed up like the Bo Jackson 5. Very last minute, Zack and Jared gave me the idea to be Penguin Stefani (pen-gwen stefani, get it?). The van ride was pretty awesome, including Zack's awful driving and me duct taping pillows to Kurt (football pads). We also had some great madlibs and snacks (Flipz and Cheetos). Jess took some pics from the van ride. Here are some sweet pics from the evening:

I think I still have two more parties to attend, so we'll see what I can come up with for costumes! I had originally wanted to be Annie Oakley, but I don't have much time to get a costume ready. Plus, I have a cold and only want to sleep all day! Hope you are feeling great and come up with some great costume ideas! Happy Halloween! Watch out for ghosts!

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