Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fashion Blog Post # 4

One of my sweet finds on our Indy Goodwill tour was this fun green skirt. It has this great pleat in the front and even better buttons on the sides (and of course it has pockets, could it get any better?) I left the house wearing tan shoes, but found my red wedges in the car and immediately realized how much better they would be with this outfit! Everyone needs a pair of red shoes, they literally go with everything.

If you don't have red shoes, please get some. I'm still working slowly at finding an actual camera to take my pictures, but until then you'll have to settle for my husband's camera phone (and my kitty cat hanging out in the background). Also, please take one last look at my ratty long hair - cause I'm cutting it off tomorrow! I'm pretty excited about it- I often grow my hair out long and then realize that it's much better short. Long hair makes my head hurt more and takes too long to dry/fix/straighten/anything. I don't have the patience for it! And my body can't take the added headaches!

As you may know, I also love the tv television series Beverly Hills 90210. Well, if you're a fan, you may remember Emily Valentine. She was Brandon's crazy girlfriend who tried to set their parade float on fire. Here she is with her cool biker hair:

In a later season, Emily popped back up with this even worse haircut - I think she was supposed to look older and more mature, but really she just looked awful:

Well last night I had a dream that I went to get my hair cut and this is what they did to me! I was pretty upset that I looked this ridiculous, and walked out of the salon without paying for my haircut! I would never actually do this, however, if my hairdresser happens to cause me to look like freaking Emily Valentine, I will argue my way out of paying for her services. I refuse to look like a dingus (sorry Emily).

In other news - the Cheeks are having a cookout on Saturday 8/7 at 6:00 pm and you are invited. This is a housewarming/welcome home Zack party! So bring your dance jams and some snacks with you and we'll party all night long.

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