Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jessie, are you there?

I would like you to know that I've bared my shoulders at work the last 2 days. I hope you are proud of me, you know how difficult it is for me to dress like it is summer time.

The last week has been rather difficult for me. I guess I never realized how much death would be a part of my life when working in the addictions field. In the last week, I've known two women to pass away, struggling with their addictions to the very end. It breaks my heart really. It kinds of leaves me with a helpless feeling, like there isn't anything I can do about it. I think I have to believe that we social workers help in some small way, even if the end result is tragic.

I start Fall classes in two weeks and don't quite feel prepared. Thankfully, one class is online and the other is on a night when Jess has class too, so we can carpool! And chat the whole way there! Jess claims she took some pictures of her outfit the other day for the blog, but I haven't seen any evidence yet, so I think we should all harrass her until she gets it together and gives us some pictures! Hope you have a great evening and don't forget to get your showdas out.

P.S. I came up with this great idea that I am crafty and have bought some supplies. I can't wait to show you the results of this ridiculous notion.


  1. Yeah I'd love to see pictures of Jessica's outfit. I think she should probably post those on the internet somewhere. Also, I want to see what you make with those awesome craft supplies! Want to start a monthly craft night? Ladies craft night? yeah?

  2. sorry you've had a rough week. i know the challenges of having a job that can weigh heavy on your heart. you are definitely helping, so keep believing that!
    also: i start classes in 2 weeks, too, and i have no idea what i'm doing. i literally don't even know what classes i'm taking. grad school!
    and: please share your crafting adventure. i want to see! maybe i can be your sensei.
