Here they are - the lovely "Valley Girl Boots" from kickinthemulevintage on the great! Ah... perfection.
Jess and I have been talking about the itch for change.... I recently satisfied mine by chopping all my hair off. But the itch always returns, much like an STI. So I have been thinking about tattoos and finally laid to rest the eagle chest piece. I do have three serious ideas for tattoos now, one of which I hope will be coming very soon. I can't wait to show you, but until then, it's a secret! Hope you have a fabulous weekend, full of impulse buys and hopefully void of STI's (in case you didn't know, STD was recently changed to STI to avoid some of the stigma that comes with the word "disease." Not sure if it really helped...).
i love the transition from vintage boots to STIs. you are so full of talents and knowledge! watch out...etsy is a world of wondrous wonders, and now you are in it. it's an addiction - so use your social workery techniques to talk yourself out of too many impulse buys. (those boots are the bomb, though.)