Thursday, September 30, 2010

To-Do Check Up

Okay, so last week I listed a few things I needed to do. Sadly I've only actually accomplished one - which was buying some patterned tights. I also bought some other lovely things that I didn't put on the to-do list, but probably needed: a nautical striped shirt, a cropped faux leather jacket, an asymmetrical/flowy/long grey sweater, and a new black skirt with elastic waistband! All fall essentials! Today I accidentally stopped by Target to see if they had these ankle booties that I like (they were out) and then walked down to Payless.... and bought a pair of Oxfords! I've been looking for some at thrift stores, but it's hard to find vintage shoes in my size that aren't going to fall apart. So, why not buy a new, cheap version of the old thing? Here they are:
They have heels, too.... oh and these are some of my new tights....
The more excited I get about fashion, the more I realize how expensive it is to be fashionable! Thank goodness for stores that will sell me cheap versions of things (even though they are sometimes less pretty). Lookin' fine if I do say so myself (and sort of like a grandmother, but grandmas can be cool, right?). Well, I'm still working on my list, although I think I'm getting closer to a tattoo. I've got a couple friends who are down for getting them together (accountability is crucial) and soon. Also my mom taught me how to use contacts this weekend, so now I have no more excuses for calling the eye doctor and ordering some. I hope your night goes well - if you're down at the Bluebird or somewhere downtown real late, you can buy a hot dog from my main man, Jared. He'll be out there til the cows come home (or until around 4 am). So stop by and say hello - but keep your hands off, cause he's mine ladies (and dudes)!

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